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00:00:00: Hello Ali may have just become too and I can Scootin for a go and so Ina in for my team for a girl it make toy I'm a fish I'd give him thus.

00:00:12: God I know some oppose a hashed here and Hozier

00:00:16: the out of Health podcast you have this were Shining shumate book on denim Alibis will keep this for me I hadn't frightened honest doc I know for a girl or and a half a meter to and Cheatin then usually UND.

00:00:28: Dean August mr. Houston named Austin podcast or and and sommerpause it's Mom.

00:00:36: Despite many liked and you have astigmatism again a few content for beating on the Afghans feel a team from oil in this,

00:00:44: scolded me and he didn't and he rose again as a feel of falling off name of a man can tame the Alice Mahon and

00:00:53: the awful of anarchism is gerado and Allah are so steady state the secret project.

00:01:03: Aunt - couldn't natural HD the video ima there is nothing happened a secret project seemed as mascara and energy Name by not for me.

00:01:13: Probably not and then is that attack oceans and this vegan was dicta and inch I don't have nobody.

00:01:21: That secret project is Stephen Dan does.

00:01:25: May I have in can but since by the Viet and comuna untouched it's McCann's concerns if it doesn't meet some mom or and.

00:01:34: SS adverse vast not mention here from Zion over in bun Nicki Minaj act immediately and mentions who haven't owned.

00:01:44: Yeah and Linkedin unique and Heavenly I know she was beaten can have fun to beaten the.

00:01:50: Flight of a model assistant and yeah it's this is the American Comic Con games in the van once coached Superman.

00:01:59: Decides this is indecent than the kind of book that has all my Powers the it's for all hands on my puzzle and phones actually gangs guns fear and

00:02:07: pass it can swim Indigent and Venus of hidden fire this is how fat it becomes a dust weird and fungus in Yonkers.

00:02:16: Dammit glucan can Hoff & Leigh he does why do you always exact time as a condition of Einstein and as yet there are ghosts no he opposed the advert on Dino vital info

00:02:27: do you have a mutation might become hopped is does deliver you learn.

00:02:32: Nicht mehr met buttons and teamers and we are Monster Energy new loan debt has we are getting too vague again she hadn't had since then we happens naturally human organs can slowly Bond.

00:02:45: - did some skiing xiety and then vitamin find it as though though is is Nicholas King were funds on.

00:02:53: See you inhale and fun demos for Ghana yeah vitae

00:02:57: I was bound making get us an adviser under she clicks tongue and this is my gang scans Victor's when Saddam invited us

00:03:04: just the salad I'm thirsty in on Venus NATO is Alabama Marked Man get flight went for another victim Desmond hazard

00:03:12: I'll sleep when does the scans can speak details he does is any line shaft live in Canada as Isis which one yeah you're kind of following my of mine and podcast game I was he had insufficient is an island podcast and dynamic of the entire not fun for couldn't as a

00:03:28: hello Dee you will again it's sugar at home device for signing up for know Yvonne but to Forked the Excellence attitude show.

00:03:36: I thought my Google order by iTunes Aura by Spotify and game on darkened jannik and cans filled telephone for Nia.

00:03:46: Does V has asthma and quits update

00:03:49: thank for Oleg do it via often does it hurts them vital in not really here of different podcast blight then as Cano can scan sphere and because Act was intended and Collison employed and I'm wrapping and.

00:04:03: Um-hum Dagon schools good plant and Meredith soup calm down and in.

00:04:09: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

Herzlich willkommen zum The Art of Health Podcast. Mein Name ist Marie Steffen - ich bin personal Trainerin und Health Coach seit dem ich 18 bin.
Ich habe in den letzten Jahren hunderte von Kunden & Kundinnen individuell gecoacht und ihnen dabei geholfen ihre Ziele im Hinblick auf ihre optimale Gesundheit, körperliche Wunschform & Leistung zu erreichen.

Meine persönliche Journey startete mit Bodybuilding. Schnell nahm ich auch nach meiner ersten Meisterschaft an Internationalen Wettkämpfen teil und durfte den Traum in´s Finale bei der Weltmeisterschaft zu kommen, verwirklichen. Jetzt mache ich keine Wettkämpfe mehr, sondern halte eine alltagstaugliche Form und trainiere nach meiner Trainingsphilosophie "The Art of Training". Ich vereine klassisches Krafttraining mit Gymnastics, Weightlifting und Ausdauertraining.

Viel Spaß beim zuhören!

Deine Marie

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